<aside> 💡 Disclaimer: I do not have a particular stance on how AI art is used or viewed. Rather I am making this document as a guide for people who are interested in AI anime art and want to try this out. I am not responsible for how others will use this document or the software introduced. As for the models themselves, you are able to use them for personal use but not for commercial use or reselling. Please do not reupload the models without my permission.
This is a documentation of all the models that I have, some will not be released onto huggingface as they’re really rough or an intermediate mix to my other models
<aside> 📢 Please note as I continue to experiment, I will continue updating this document. If you have any concerns or questions about the information listed feel free to contact me on discord kaiyo#1810. Thank you again to 🗿 for translating the Chinese articles. I post my latest generations on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/ka1y0